Books & Manuscripts sale
A very fine sale of books, including an important group of first editions in headed paper by Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Patrick Modiano, Paul Morand and others. including many rare Jacques Chardonne editions; correspondence from great authors to a great critic: Michel Déon, Roger Nimier, Michel Mort, Félicien Marceau to Pol Vandromme; several manuscripts: Cocteau, Chardonne, Benoist-Méchin; and illustrated works such as Le roman de Renart by Lucien Boucher, Anatole France by Sylvain Sauvage, Henri Barbusse by Raymond Renefer and a superb illustrated copy by Kees Van Dongen, including a signed original drawing, presented in a splendid mosaic binding by Legrain.
FRIDAY DECEMBER 20, 2024 at 2pm
Open to the public:
Wednesday December 18 from 11am to 6pm
And the morning of the sale from 11am to 12pm
Telephone during the exhibition and sale: 01 48 00 20 15
Éric FOSSE (CNE expert)
assisted by Alix de HEAULME
01 40 54 79 75 -