A Drawing by Prud'hon Sells for €69,120 at Drouot

Publish by Gazette Drouot International

Featured on the cover of the Gazette n°23, Prud'hon's study for The Dream of Happiness, a work by Constance Mayer preserved in the Louvre, was auctioned yesterday for €69,120 by Tessier & Sarrou. The drawing reveals all the love that the painter had for the young woman, who was as much his student as his companion.

Pierre-Paul PRUD'HON (Cluny 1758 - Paris 1823)
Study for the young woman in front of the boat in the painting "The Dream of Happiness" 
Black stone, blur and white chalk highlights on formerly blue paper. Annotated on the reverse of the frame: "Sale Greucher, n°79, Galerie Charpentier, Paris Baudoin, expert Féral, March 1933".
27 x 22 cm